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HikeDance is a site-conditioned dance practice. It explores how stimuli from natural environments can act as a choreographer on dancing bodies. I have conducted HikeDance practices in north-east alpine and south-west coastal regions of Victoria alongside some wonderful collaborators.


The kind of stimuli that a dancer can receive as choreographic input within this practice is seemingly endless: spiky alpine grass, distant wind, warmth of the sun, the sound of crickets, thick & tangled snow-gum forests, the shape of alpine topography, sinking sand, the motion of waves towards and away from the shore, sharp coastal rocks, rolling green hills or ridge-lines that separate coast from farmland - it goes on.

Meadow Rach_edited.jpg
Meadow Hayley_edited_edited.jpg
Clouds Rach_edited_edited.jpg
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Tammy Rocks
hands Rocks
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Sarah Saxon. ©2023

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